Wild Mint

photo by Matt Lavin CC BY SA

You may smell Wild Mint before you spot it, especially if you brush past the plants and bruise the leaves which have glands containing aromatic oils. Wild Mint are 6-24 in tall with pairs of jagged oval leaves (up to 2.5 in long, 1 in wide) opposite each other along the square hairy stem. Clusters of small, bell-like pink to purple flowers circle the stem above each pair of leaves.

Wild Mint can be found across North America from Alaska in the north to Texas in the south. They grow in damp areas beside lakes, streams, or sloughs and flower from July to September.

Did you know? Flies and wasps visit the flowers for nectar. However, the mint oil's anti-bacterial properties may cause indigestion in cattle and livestock. Indigenous peoples in North America often dried the leaves to make tea.